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Insurance  arrow

Overview of the different types of insurance.

Life / Personal and Business

When considering life insurance the first requirement is that you love and care for someone or something. Secondly, your insurance program is designed to solve whatever personal or business liquidity problem in the event of death. Third, your insurance program should do all you expect for the premium dollars spent. Finally, it responds to the ever-changing tax laws, product improvements and market realities that affect how well your insurance portfolio serves you. Need a review?   Ask us

Disability / Income Continuation

The most misunderstood and underutilized type of insurance that has the highest probability of claims. If you could not work for 3, 6, or 12 months or longer, where would the money come from to support you and your family? If you have group disability do you understand how it works? In many cases it provides a false sense of security because of its limitations. Are you concerned about a loss of income due to disability?  Ask us

Long Term Care / Nursing Home

Most people place high value on maintaining their dignity and independence. This is particularly true, as they grow older. With the change in the traditional family, the traditional family support structure for the senior citizens has become problematic. Long Term Care provides the financial resources to meet these needs and allows the recipient choices that will help them maintain their independence and more importantly their dignity. As we all gray a bit Long Term Care should be explored for yourself or your parents depending on your circumstance. We can help.  Ask us

Business Insurance

Small business insurance is probably the most underserved sector for the insurance buying public. A person’s business can represent a significant portion of his/her net worth; usually the only advice and counsel come from a customer service rep. We believe in taking a Risk Management approach: Analyze your exposures, design a program to fit your business, implement the program. Then monitor the program. Do you know what you’re covered for? More importantly what your not covered for? Do you want to know? We can help.   Ask us

Personal Lines – Home and Auto

Frequently, people buy a policy, put it in a drawer or a safety deposit box and hope they never have to use it. Claim time is not the time to do a review. Is your personal insurance portfolio reflective of your individual situation? If you haven’t had your situation analyzed in a while…..We can help.  Ask us