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Category Archives: Federal Reserve

July 22, 2024

Don’t judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant.” Robert Louis Stevenson   Folks, we are living through historic times, as I write these words, President Biden has succumbed to the intense pressure to withdraw, this past week we saw an assassination attempt on President Trump, an electric, […]

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July 15, 2024

“God Bless America”  In the everyday hustle and bustle of our lives a moment comes that forces us to take stock of what is really important.  This weekend, I hope and pray that this was one of those moments. We must all remember that words and actions have consequences that can affect so many lives. […]

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July 8, 2024

July 8, 2024 “It’s not how much money you make, but how much money you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you keep it for.”  Robert Kiyosaki Happy post 4th of July, as the markets had a shortened week, mostly positive and new record highs were achieved. The S&P 500 booked […]

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July 1, 2024

Happy post-debate to you all, here are the numbers: The S&P 500 and the Dow Jones Industrial Average were basically flat slipping .01% and the Nasdaq gained slightly more, up .02%. Internationally, the FTSE 100 lost .089% and the MSCI-EAFE added .05%. the 2-year closed at a yield of 4.73% and the 10-year paid 4.35%. […]

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June 24, 2024

“When it comes to investing, we want our money to grow with the highest rates of return, and the lowest risk possible. While there are no shortcuts to getting rich, there are smart ways to go about it.” Phil Town   While as we close in on the end of the second quarter and the […]

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June 17, 2024

“A father is neither an anchor to hold us back nor a sail to take us there, but a guiding light whose love shows us the way.” Author Unknown (but he or she nailed it!) Happy belated Father’s Day to all the markets last week gave much to talk about. Here are the numbers. The […]

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May 20, 2024

“No wise pilot, no matter how great his talent and experience, fails to use his checklist” Charlie Munger   Picking up on this aviation theme, my brother, who is a senior Captain with Delta, often tells me things look different from 40,000 feet. Well, we are there, and its time to look at what’s outside. […]

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May 6, 2024

“I will tell you how to become rich. Close the doors. Be fearful when others are greedy. Be greedy when others are fearful.”  Warren Buffett   Well, last week gave us quite a ride, anticipation for the Federal Reserve and the inflation numbers moved the market midweek and recovered nicely by Friday. Here are the […]

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April 29, 2024

“Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it.” Albert Einstein This week was the Good the Bad and the Ugly. But first the numbers: The S&P 500 snapped back +2.7%, the Dow Jones Industrial Average added .32%, the Nasdaq recovered +3.45%. Internationally the […]

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April 15, 2024

“The only real mistake is the one which we learn nothing” Henry Ford  “Only thing for sure is Death and Taxes” Benjamin Franklin Happy Tax Day. So, what have we learned after a lousy week in the market? Markets giveth and markets taketh away, but the good news is it never lasts very long, and […]

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